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CEGE Handbook

Graduate Student Resources Canvas Page





Absence Policy

Students receiving financial aid through the University (teaching assistantship, research
assistantship, and/or fellowship) are entitled to staff holidays. Please note that the breaks between academic terms and the break at Christmas are not automatically considered as holidays or time off. In the case of GRAs, excused absences must be arranged with the faculty advisor.

GTAs follow a similar policy, but require the approval of the course instructor and/or their advisor. In general, all graduate students may take up to two weeks off campus each year, excepting that in NO CASE may it be during an academic term or finals week. PRIOR written authorization is required from the Administrative Aide, in consultation with student's advisor, the Graduate Program Director, and in the case of GTAs, the course instructor.  The Absence Request form should be completed and filed with the Administrative Aide.  The Absence Request form may be found here

Written approval is required for international travel. In addition to the Absence Request form, the International Travel Request form must be completed. Any absence which does not follow this policy will result in an automatic deduction of pay and disciplinary action.